Newham College Work Experience April 2023
During April, we ran a two-week work experience for 40 students aged 16 – 18 from Newham College.
The work experience was kindly hosted at the new London City Institute of Technology facility, which overlooks the site. Newham College is one of 12 Institutes of Technology established nationally to provide employers with a highly skilled workforce and students with a clear route to technical employment. You can read more here: London City Institute of Technology | Newham College London
The students were tasked with designing and creating a website for St William in teams, before presenting and pitching their vision and ideas to a panel of development, engagement and graphic design professionals.
Each team gave an overview of their team and roles, ran through their assumptions of the brief, the software used and the website created.
The project team were impressed with website designs and animation ideas, together with the teamwork skills demonstrated and we hope it inspired some of the students to consider a career in the built environment.
We would like to thank the students who took part together with the team at Newham College and the London City Institute of Technology for their support in undertaking the work experience. We look forward to working with them again.