We have now submitted a planning application to Newham Council which can be viewed in full here.

You can download a pdf version of the final design proposals here or view below. You can also view two 360-degree visualisations further down the page and provide feedback here.

All feedback received will be summarised and submitted to the council.


The following 360-degree visualisations provide an illustrative interpretation of the proposals.

This is an important step in the process to bring the work to life, illustrating how the high quality proposals create a unique sense of place and provide a legacy for the local community.

You can click on the viewpoints below to view the design proposals as 360 degree panoramas. Use your mouse or fingertip on a smart phone, tablet or touchscreen, to navigate around each panorama.

Click on the map icon (bottom left of image) to return to the plan. You can enter full screen mode by clicking on the frame icon (top right of image). Press Esc or back on your browser to exit full screen mode.


We have updated our consultation material to show the latest design proposals. You can provide your feedback here.

You can download a pdf version of the latest design material here or view below.


We are keen to hear your feedback on the latest design proposals.

Tell us what you think by filling in the short survey below or emailing us at:


Initial Design Proposals, February 2023

In February we presented the initial design proposals for Bromley-by-Bow Gasworks.

Thank you to those that attended and provided their feedback on the initial proposals.

You can see the materials we presented below and provide feedback by scrolling down the page.

You can also view our interactive map of the proposals below.


You can view the material we presented during the first stages of consultation below.